Thursday, October 13, 2011

Blind To Your Beauty: October 13, day 32: Entry 2 of my Wanderlust Voyage

Though the beauty is evident in other's eyes, it's often times difficult to see in our own lives. We look at other peoples talents and gifts and we compare ours with theirs. Thinking we need to be better than everyone at everything. Even though God gives us our own unique gifts and traits, be it physical, spiritual, or emotional. You know the way you look at a picture of yourself and absolutely dread it, but your mom puts it up on the wall in her front hallway. We constantly obsess over the little minute "flaws" that we stare at in the metaphorical and literal mirror and we can't step back and see the undeniable incomparable beauty the emanates from all of our being. Maybe it's like the life of a butterfly; it embraces its deep-seeded natural instinct to be a creature of new heights, using that energy positively to grow, build and develop into the most beautiful being it can be. But like the life of a butterfly, we all need a time of silence; a time of reflection and growth, to become what we were intended to be, beautiful soaring butterflies sailing across the clouds emitting an undeniable love and admittance to the Holy power of God, and finding shelter in His hands.

Blind to your beauty that o my eye can't deny,
your glow and peace cause my tongue to tie.
Wisdom, innocence, love, and grace,
it couldn't be clearer, it rests in your embrace.
Inviting all people to easily see,
but still in your eyes lies disbelief.


  1. Your right Matt. I am glad to hear you sounding out these thoughts and writing them down. I remember my adventures alone wondering and waiting for God to make things clearer. Interesting picture of a butterfly...really made me think. Hope you know how gifted and unique you are. I cant wait to see where you land next.

  2. So beautifully said and so incredibly true! I just want you to know that I am so grateful that God in his incredible faithful led you in your journey to the little village of Sugarcreek and into a friendship with our family. You are welcome in our home anytime and please bring Ricky and Lady:)
    I pray that you will continue to discover new realms of God's limitless love as you continue on your journey.

  3. Matthew,

    I hope you are doing well, and that your exploration is both mind and soul changing. Be safe and know that you are loved and missed my friend...PS if you find your way to CO, please let me know.

  4. Matt! We miss you a ton, and are so glad that you are going on this journey and following God's heart. He has such a plan for your life, and by setting apart time for Him, you are that much closer to entering into the fullness it brings!
