Friday, October 28, 2011

Occupy Denver; A Fight Towards Justice For All

Today I am in Boulder Colorado, and for the first time I actually caught the snow instead of it catching me. It is absolutely beautiful here, the mountains are snow capped and they are beckoning my name. The dogs were so funny when they got in the snow for the first time, I think it came as quite a shock to just all the sudden be in the snow. We arrived last night around 10:30 local time, and the friends that I am staying with told me they were going to "Occupy Denver" to continue shooting for their documentary in the morning. So we woke up early, before the sun was blessing us with its warmth, we wanted to get there early to film the people sleeping in the park, covered in frost, tarps, sleeping bags, and anything else they could find to stay warm. So this morning I had the humbling opportunity to witness a unique piece of history. Whether you believe in what these people are doing or not, it is real, it is happening all across America. These people are standing up as fellow Americans for something they believe is right, that they believe is worth standing up for, freezing for, being arrested and violated for. I ask you to view these images with respect and a peaceful heart, to have compassion for these people, they are lost and scared, and they are crying out "Who can help us?"

Sun rise in Downtown Denver

Real Eyes Realize Real Lies

The early morning fire shift, in charge of keeping the fire going. Though the fire is primarily for warmth, the police said if the were going to have it in needed to be for cooking, so they through some baked potatoes in.

Here is the clothing and sleeping gear donation table.

Make like a tree

Chelsea and Rob, founders of ~Free to be TV~ started interviewing people asking them why they were here and what the hoped to accomplish.

This man is called David Blessing for a reason

Here they interview Frizz and Jay Frost.

Frizz kept telling me how cold he was, he said "I want to fall asleep so bad but I just can't"

Here you see the frost built up over just one night of sleeping out here.

This man considered himself one of the organizers of this rally.

They thought that though obviously the first was relevant, the ninth amendment had a large part to play in what they were standing up for.

Two people just waking up, meeting them turned out to be a pretty funny story

As we were talking she asked where I was going, I told her "Montrose", she said "no way I from Montrose, why are you going there?" I told her "I'm going on a silence retreat for two weeks being mentored by a man named Evan Howard" She of coarse then says, "no way! thats my dad!" Haha, yeah, we had a pretty good laugh about that. So will Evan when I go see him in a few days.

Here is the food station, we brought some fresh fruit and we saw some other people come with donations too. They were much appreciated.

A very worn down quote from Abraham Lincoln.

Fortunately this isn't what it looks like. Chelsea asked him for an interview, but he said a PIO would be willing to come out and answer any questions, so he was writing down our number to call us later.

But while he was standing there Chelsea just kept asking him questions and basically got the whole interview from him anyways, a true journalist.

Here they are, and don't the look ready and eager to protect and serve.

This man had very sad eyes. Like they've seen a lot.

Finally. A patriotic kitty!

I thought this was an appropriate place to end, with a light note. But these people aren't stopping, they've been there for months, and they plan on staying. I just hope they find what they are seeking for, that people listen. I pray that these people don't die out here, but they said at least they are fighting for something they believe in. They have passion and beliefs, and they are willing to stand up for them, and that is more than I can say for a lot of people I've met. These people will be in my thoughts and prayers.


  1. Great stories Matt! Only you would run into the daughter of the person you were going to visit :) Your pictures are great. Take care, can't wait to hear about all your adventures. I love the mountains and the beautiful snow. I am jealous.
